Hellow  OFFICIAL TRICK users.  As you Know Every blogger's dream is to get accepted by Google Adsense right? But it is getting harder and harder now-a-days. You have to follow some significant steps to get accepted by Google Adsense.

What is Google Adsense and Why Every Blogger Loves it ?

Google Adsense is the oldest and significant network to offer advertising publishing and works at either PPM (Pay per impression) or PPC (Pay per click) system. The ad placed on the adsense are maintained,administrated and sorted by Google. 

Many website use Adsense to monetize their content, it is the most popular advertising network on the planet. According to a case study in Adsense website, if publishers have rich-content in their website then they are very successful with Adsense.

Google Adsense have thousand and thousands of satisfied publishers and customers. Adsense pays every time, but they are strict and sharp.

One more reason for choosing Adsense is that if your are working in reliable manner, then you can earn a huge money from Adsense. I know many bloggers who are making a complete earning from blog and Adsense. That's why each and every blogger loves it. Even you that's why you are here.

Google Adsense paying rates are bigger than any other ad network on the planet. That's why it gained a huge popularity. Since everybody is running before Adsense, they have made a stick and sharp approval system. I know many blogger who get rejected by Google Adsense. Here are some few tips to follow before applying to Google Adsense.


13 Things to Remember Before Applying for Google Adsense

1.  About Page

You must have an About Page so that you can get approved easily. About Page also gives a sense of serious business. 

About Page also plays a vital role in your blog. When it comes to Adsense,  there are less chance to get approved by Adsense if you are not showing this page on your blog. About Page just simply describes about you and your purpose for blogging. This page will help you to build a relationship between your audience and also make them trust upon you.

2.  Contact Us Page

I strongly recommend you to build an contact us Page on your blog eventhough you are not applying for Google Adsense. 

Everyone in this world has his/her own opinion. What if one of your readers get bothered by any of your post. Contact us Page help your readers to speak to you and how they feel about your blog, what they want to be edited, what they liked or hated and if they want to add points to your post, contact us page is the only one that make it happen.

Create a contact us Page, if possible add your professional email like 

info@yourblog.com and add your social profile links too. 

It will show the Google Adsense Team that is viewing your site that you actually cares yout readers and not only the money and Adsense.

3.  Privacy Policy Page

Like About Page you must have a Privacy Policy Page so that you can get approved by Adsense easily. It is one of the common mistakes that bloggers do before applying before Google Adsense. 

There are many people out there who says having a Privacy Policy Page doesn't make any sense, but they are totally wrong.

If you don't have this page then getting approval is not simple. Privacy Policy  Page indicates that you are not a scam and it gives a sense of serious business. Google Adsense will check the rest of your content only if you have this page.

You don't need to find any lawyer to make Privacy Policy Page for your blog, you can write your own or there are many online Privacy Policy generators. 

4.  Age Verification System

Probably it is the most popular mistakes that younger bloggers are making who are less than 18. They write incorrect age and get into trouble. 

Submit your accurate date of birth while applying for Adsense. Because Google Adsense is not for people who are under 18. 

So I advise you to accurate while typing your age. Be honest and sincere. 

5.  Name / Email Verification

Before applying for Adsense, put your name and address in some visible areas like About and Contact Us Pages. By doing so, the Adsense Team will realise that the person who is applied for Adsense is not spam. So this will help the Google in verification process. 

6.  Minimum Number Of Posts

You must be thinking that 'What should be the minimum number of posts before applying for Google Adsense?  Well, there is no confirmed answer.

I have seen so many blogs with 500+ posts and their authors telling me that Google Adsense is rejecting them while blogs with 70+ posts are making money with Adsense. 

According to my experience,  you should own 50+ post before applying for Adsense. Post length must be a minimum of 300+ words. 

7.  Design matters a lot

Your blog design should be professional and clean. Smart, clean and professional designs are appreciated by Google. 

A responsive design will make your audience hang around. Your blog design represents your expertise, experience and knowledge. 

8. Be Careful of Content

Be careful with what type of content are you publishing on your blog. Because it is something that matters. 

Adsense is not for pornographic, illegal items, drugs, violence and similar blogs like that. It is very difficult to get approved if you have a non-english blog. Having posts under 200 words is also a red signal.

9.  Providing Values to your Content

Don't just write! Provide sensational and valuable content to your audience. Not only people, Google also loves the blogs which provides the audience with finest and fresh content. Entertain your audience.

Be humble. Don't ever try to scam or spam your audience.

10.  Buy Top-Level-Domains

The days when  Adsense used to approve all "blogspot" and "wordpress" blogs are gone. As today,  you should have an unique domains that represents your blog. Don't have an domain yet, then stop dreaming and buy a top level domain for your blog.

I prefer you to use .Com domains. Choose a short, unique and cool domain that make your blog memorable from the rest.

Another important thing about domain is its age. Adsense placed restrictions in some countries in Asia that the bloggers should own their blog for 6 months.

11.  Remove other Ad Networks

If you have any ads placed on you blog like infolinks, chitika or anything, it's time to remove them off.

Eventhough Adsense allows you to use other ad networks along with them. It's better to remove the ads before applying for Adsense.

12.  Never Ever use Paid Traffic

Google hates the sites that are getting paid traffic. Adsense will not approve those sites which gets paid traffic. You can bring traffic via search engine by SEO or any other way you want, but if you want to earn some good money with Adsense then paid traffic is not a solution.

I prefer you to focus on SEO, social media and related blog. This Article will help you Boost your blog traffic.

13.  Never Steal Content

Adsense hates the sites that steals content from other sites. Never steal content. What you put on your blog should be your own work. If you use anything that isn't yours, such as a picture of short quote, provide proper credit and ask for permission where appropriate. Stealing content is one of the fastest ways to discredit yourself and lose readers.Don't be a copy cat. Be creative! You have the potential so let's do this.


Getting Adsense approval is not risky as you thinks but Adsense implemented strict measures in the approval system. You should focus on content than any other, Adsense needs Content.


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